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Course + Cohorts
Live Workshops 

Check out the options for us to work together coming down the pipeline and grab your spot before it fills up! 

2024-2025 Live Parent Coaching

Reach out if you have any questions about which program may be the best fit for you- happy to help!

Just fill out the Contact Form! 

June 2024 Course + Cohort: 

The Course + Cohort is an 8-week intensive in which parents move through the course on their own time, then meet with me and an intimate group of parents weekly for an hour to get additional support, added accountability and a sense of community. Cohorts are held quarterly and space is limited to 5 parents/sets of parents per Cohort to provide maximum support for each parent.


  • Signature 8-week Course + Cohort

  • Intimate group setting; Very limited openings

  • Designed to maximize accountability and foster community​


8-Weekly Sessions: Starting June 20th-August 15th (July 4th is off)

Thursdays at 9 am-10 am MST


Fee: $745

September 2024 Course + Cohort

The Course + Cohort is an 8-week intensive in which parents move through the course on their own time, then meet with me and an intimate group of parents weekly for an hour to get additional support, added accountability and a sense of community. Cohorts are held quarterly and space is limited to 5 parents/sets of parents per Cohort to provide maximum support for each parent.


  • Signature 8-week Course + Cohort

  • Intimate group setting; Very limited openings

  • Designed to maximize accountability and foster community​


8-Weekly Sessions: Starting September 25th-November 13th

Wednesdays at 9 am-10 am MST


Fee: $745


REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! Closes September 24th.

October 1-Day Virtual Workshop

The 1-Day Virtual Workshop will be co-hosted by The Eating Disorder Foundation, but is appropriate for all Caregivers with loved ones struggling with any mental health issue. This intensive day will allow you to leave with a new approach to handling the toughest situations with your loved one and skills you can start implementing right away. Think of this as emotional Boot Camp for Caregivers!


  • Intensive format allows for immersive learning in just a day

  • Leave with actionable tools to help you manage your emotions and your loved one's emotions

  • Script Building for the toughest conversations- so you are ready!


Friday, October 4th from 9 am-4 pm MST


Fee: $195



January 2025 Course + Cohort

The Course + Cohort is an 8-week intensive in which parents move through the course on their own time, then meet with me and an intimate group of parents weekly for an hour to get additional support, added accountability and a sense of community. Cohorts are held quarterly and space is limited to 5 parents/sets of parents per Cohort to provide maximum support for each parent.


  • Signature 8-week Course + Cohort

  • Intimate group setting; Very limited openings

  • Designed to maximize accountability and foster community​


8-Weekly Sessions: Starting January 15th-March 5th

Wednesdays at 9 am-10 am MST


Fee: $745

March 2025 Course + Cohort

The Course + Cohort is an 8-week intensive in which parents move through the course on their own time, then meet with me and an intimate group of parents weekly for an hour to get additional support, added accountability and a sense of community. Cohorts are held quarterly and space is limited to 5 parents/sets of parents per Cohort to provide maximum support for each parent.


  • Signature 8-week Course + Cohort

  • Intimate group setting; Very limited openings

  • Designed to maximize accountability and foster community​


8-Weekly Sessions: Starting March 27th-May 15th

Thursdays at 9 am-10 am MST


Fee: $745

April 2025 2-Day In-Person EFFT Workshop

The 2-Day In-Person EFFT Workshop will be co-hosted by The Eating Disorder Foundation, but is appropriate for all Caregivers with loved ones struggling with any mental health issue.


Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) is an evidence-based therapeutic approach that centers on working with caregivers- parents, spouses, friends, family members- to support a loved one that is suffering with a mental health issue. 


At the heart of EFFT is the belief in the superpower that is the connection between a caregiver and their loved one and the use of specific, concrete tools to leverage that neurobiological connection for better outcomes, both for the person struggling and those that love them. 

Backed by science and rooted in love, EFFT answers the question “but what can I do to help when my loved one struggles?”. Caregivers are one of- if not the- most important part of any individual’s treatment team and EFFT gets Caregivers the skills and support they both need and deserve to be as powerful and effective as possible in their support of their loved one. 


By the end of the 2-Day Retreat, you will have the tools you need to:

  • Respond more effectively to your own emotional reactions to your loved one

  • Stay more calm and grounded in moments of crisis 

  • Feel confident navigating the most difficult conversations with your loved one

  • Better connect to your loved one despite the struggles


Get the tools you need and the support you deserve in this 2-Day Retreat so you can start feeling more calm, confident and connected, both to your loved one and the Caregiver you want to be.


Friday, April 4th and Saturday, April 5th, 2025; 9 am-4 pm

Denver, CO

Location: The Eating Disorder Foundation

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